Motivational story: If you want to change your world one way is to change your attitude

Motivational story: If you want to change your world one way is to change your attitude


Once upon a time, a very big leader went to go a small ashram of a monk because he had heard a lot about that monk, it came to his mind that once I go and see why people praise him when he went there. There was a small room where some people were sitting downstairs.

And sadhu ji was sitting in front of peoples, some questions and answers were going on, as soon as he went inside, there were some bodyguards along with him and he had a habit that wherever he used to, people used to stand from their place and look at him. They used to bow their heads, but nothing like this happened here, the monk did not even look at him because the monk was answering someone's question.

 The leader got angry on this matter, cutting the talk of the monk in the middle and said angrily, I want to tell you something. will do

Till then you can sit, if you want, it was too late for the monk to say that the leader's face turned red with anger and then he vented all his anger on that monk, so far that leader was talking to a virtuous means that by doing you was talking but now you started talking after doing he said you also know who I am and to whom I am talking.

The monk looked and said that I do not care who you are, you want me to answer your question, then you have to wait for some time and as soon as Sadhu said this, the leader got mad  and he started screaming in front of everyone. I will show you your real status now, you did not fix it by messing with me, you even know what I think about you

The monk again looked at him and said with great love that I don't care what you think about me, you can think about me whatever you want, then that leader said whether you want to listen or not, I want to listen to everyone. I will tell in front what I think about you, you are a very poor person, you are not a monk, you are making them all crazy, your only purpose is that all the money that is in people's pockets should come to you. 

And now I am not going to leave you, I will only expose you, but after saying this, there was a slight smile on the face of the monk, seeing this, he became more stunned and he said that now it is enough, I will not stay here even for 1 minute but still You have a chance, if you have to apologize or say something, then you can say that even after all this, the monk was absolutely calm and there was a smile on his face, he closed his eyes

Sadhu ji opened his eyes and said that what you said about me was your own thinking, I did not see any evil in you, you are a good person, Netaji became happy after saying this.

There was a joy on his face because that sadhu said what everyone else said to that leader and he happily went from that ashram to his house and went and sat beside his father his father's eyes were closed and he was in focus

His father served the people and did not want anything in return, after a while when he opened his eyes that his son was sitting with him, there was a strange happiness on his son's face which he had never seen before. he told everything one by one

 When dad listened to the whole thing, dad smiled and looked at his son and said he didn't praise you because he didn't say who you are, he said what he is himself and whatever you said he didn't say what he is rather you said what you are yourself

If you want to change your world one way is to change your attitude

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